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This paper work aims to show and prove how impact on the Global language on local educational system, there are so many languages can prove to teach something to someone but English languages can gain popularity of teaching. A majority of people tend to learn more English languages and spend a lot of time and money to learn English languages the same aim is absorbed by people. This is because English language learn as global languages because a host of amenities people learn how to speak in English not only as a global language but also as a local educational language it can impact on people’s horizons and mindset. Explore issues of language policy, linguistic imperialism and the balancing act between teaching English and preserving local languages. Highlight case studies or research on immersion programs or studying abroad. Contribute to fluency and language mastery. In addition, discuss the importance of tailoring language education to meet the needs of professional and students in specialized fields.

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Как цитировать:

Asrorova , O. (2024). THE IMPACT OF ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE ON LOCAL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS. Наука и инновация, 2(28), 53–55. извлечено от

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