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In the digital age, the realm of contractual relationships has undergone a seismic shift into the boundless domain of cyberspace, enabling global commerce and collaboration. However, this transformation has not come without a price, as the specter of cybersecurity threats and data breaches looms ever larger in the digital landscape. This thesis offers a comprehensive exploration of these critical issues, emphasizing their profound significance and the pivotal role of legal frameworks in mitigating these risks. An analysis of international and domestic approaches to cybersecurity regulation in cyberspace, with a focus on the implications of international treaties and agreements.

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Gulyamov, S. ., & Jurayev, S. (2023). CYBERSECURITY THREATS AND DATA BREACHES: LEGAL IMPLICATION IN CYBERSPACE CONTRACTS. Молодые ученые, 1(15), 19–22. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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