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Language serves as a fundamental medium for human interaction, playing a critical role in shaping social life. It functions as a conduit for communication, expression, and social organization, influencing everything from interpersonal relationships to cultural identity. This article explores the multifaceted role of language in social contexts, examining how it facilitates social cohesion, enforces norms, and contributes to the construction of social realities. It also addresses the impact of language on power dynamics, the creation and perpetuation of cultural values, and the formation of social identity. By analyzing both the unifying and divisive potentials of language, the discussion highlights its dual role in fostering solidarity and perpetuating social stratification.

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Как цитировать:

Azimova , Z. . (2024). THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN SOCIAL LIFE. Молодые ученые, 2(18), 65–67. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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