
Shadmanov Kurban

Professor of the Department of "English", doctor of philosophy of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

Responsible Secretary

Bakayev Najmiddin

Associate professor of the Department of "English" of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Technical editors

Akbarova Dildora Akhtamjon qizi - Technical editor

Turakulova Madina Nomazovna - Technical Editor

Quchqarov Azamat Murotjon o'g'li - Technical Editor

Berdimuratova Alima Karlibayevna

Head of the Department of Social Sciences of Karakalpak State University, f.f.d., professor

Bushuy Tatyana Anatolyevna

Professor of the Department of Uzbek language and literature of Samarkand State Foreign Language Institute, f.f.d.

Khaitov Shadmon Akhmadovich

Professor of the Department “history”, Doctor of historical sciences of Bukhara State University

Orekhova Svetlana Yevgenyevna

Associate professor, Mariupol State University, Ukraine, candidate of historical sciences

Babatayev Abdrashit Madanovich

Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz-Turkish university named after Manas, doctor of philosophy

Sagikyzy Ayazhan

Kazakhstan. Al-Farabi National University, doctor of philosophy, professor

Vildanov Ural Salimovich

Head of the Department of social work, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Faculty of philosophy and sociology, Bashkir State University, Russia

Matsyna Andrei Ivanovich

Russia, Chelyabinsk State University, candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ochilova Nigora Ruzimuratovna

Associate professor of the Department of Social Sciences at the Institute of counter-engineering and economics. PhD

Rakhimov Farrukh Movlidinovich

Associate professor of the Department of electrical energy of Navoi State Mining Institute. PhD

Samieva Shakhnoz Khikmatovna

Bukhara Institute of engineering and technology, head of the Department of "light industry machinery and equipment", p.f.f.d. (PhD), associate professor

Navruzova Gulchikhra Nigmatovna

Professor of the Department of “Social Sciences”, Doctor of philosophy, Institute of engineering and technology of Bukhara

Tojiboyeva Gulkhumor Rakhmonjonovna

Senior Lecturer, Department of general psychology, Andijan State University, doctor of philosophy in Psychological Sciences (PhD)

Gulnoz Negmatovna Kurbanova

Head of the Department of Uzbek language and literature of Bukhara State Medical Institute, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Eshniyozov Olimjon Ismoilovich

Sharof Rashidov nomidagi Samarqand davlat universiteti Maktabgacha, boshlang'ich ta'lim va texnologiya kafedrasi mudiri f.m.f.n, dotsent