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Job satisfaction is also an important factor since it determines organization performance as well as employee turnover rate and several other factors that affects workplace. The present study aims at presenting the theoretical analysis of the factors influencing the job satisfaction of the employees of Sri Lanka, the South Asian developing country with unique cultural, economical and social environment. The review also focuses on the impact of the intrinsic motivation by using job contents, organizational recognition, and career advancement opportunities together with the extrinsic motivation by using monetary rewards, work-family balance and work environment of employees. Further, Sri Lankan cultural values, organizational culture and/or economic characteristics that might influence employee satisfaction level are discussed.

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SMBM , A., Hibathul Careem, M., Arshard, A., Imthiyas, M., & Siraju, M. (2025). EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE JOBS IN SRI LANKA – A THEORETICAL REVIEW. Наука и технология в современном мире, 4(1), 4–12. извлечено от https://in-academy.uz/index.php/zdift/article/view/42594

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