

As today`s young learners are digital native, traditional teaching methods are not popular any more. It is very hard to engage students by using hand out and text books. Arno Macia ( 2012 ) says that everyone is the independent user of IT and in every field it has got very significant role in the society. Like other fields, in education and teaching teachers can not organize their lessons without technologies. Since all the students are from Generation Z and they are digital native students for each lesson I have to prepare tasks online. Sometimes checking students  vocabulary is also takes more time  and many students think that is very time consuming and boring process. That is why for ice breaker activity, I mostly use online games from “ Bamboozle” or Kahoot” or”. According to Kirovska ( 2017 ) using technologies helps teacher to make more interesting lesson atmosphere.



Burns ( 1999 ) Jolly,D, & Bolitho, R. ( 2011 ) A Framework for material writing. In. B Tomlinson ( E.D ). Materials development in language teaching

Macalister,J (2016 ) Adapting and Adapting materials. In issues in material development ( pp.57-64 ). Brill.

Tomlinson ( 2013 ) Bunting,J, D ( 2018 ) Second language writing materials development pp. 1-6

Arno Macia ( 2012 ) The Role of Technology in Teaching Language for Specific Purpose cources. The Modern Language Journal.. Vol.96. Focus Issue: Language for Specific Purposes