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Boshlang‘ich musiqa savodi, musiqiy asarlar ijodkorlari faoliyati, musiqa ijrochiligi, bastakorlar va kompozitorlar ijodini, o‘zbek cholg‘u asboblarini bilishni, mashhur o‘zbek xalq sozanda va xonandalar ijodiy faoliyati, musiqiy atama va iboralar, musiqa janrlari kabi mavzular asosida milliy musiqa madaniyatimizni o‘zlashtirishni nazarda tutadi.

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Nazarov , M. ., & Nasretdinova , Z. . (2024). IXTISOSLASHTIRILGAN MAKTAB-INTERNATLARIDA BOLALAR IJROCHILIGINI SHAKLLANTIRISH. Pedagogy and Psychology in the Modern World: Theoretical and Practical Research, 3(3), 12–14. Retrieved from https://in-academy.uz/index.php/zdpp/article/view/28647


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