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This work aims to identify the influence of the Russian  language on the Uzbek linguistic world picture, in particular pragmatic and cognitive aspects. The main content of the study is the analysis of the Uzbek speech units that appeared under the influence of the Russian language. The article considers specific examples of Russian words in fiction and colloquial speech. Methods of observation, generalization and comparative analysis were applied during the study. Based on the study of the cognitive and pragmatic influence of the Russian language on the Uzbek language and the linguistic consciousness of the Uzbek people, it has been established that in the Uzbek language there are a number of lexemes mastered from the Russian language by the method of calquing or borrowing. The study results contribute to the theory of studying various problems of linguistic personality, and can also be used in university courses in cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, the theory of speech communication, etc.

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How to Cite:

Popov, D., & Tursunova, M. (2023). INFLUENCE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ON THE UZBEK LANGUAGE: PRAGMATIC AND COGNITIVE ASPECTS. Central Asian Journal of Education and Innovation, 2(4), 20–25. Retrieved from


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