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This linguistic research is aimed at identifying the main lexical-semantic features of a relatively little-studied type of rhetorical sentence through the prism of its structural component, as well as determining its most important semantic elements. The main target essence of the presented article lies in the presentation of three main types of semantic categories of rhetorical statements: a) expressive negation; b) expressive statement; c) subjective reasoning. The essential elements of a rhetorical sentence form a single grammatical form reproduced in speech, subordinate to the expression of a certain objective-subjective meaning. The scope of negation extends either to the entire statement, or to its individual components. In this regard, general negative and particular negative rhetorical statements are distinguished, with varying degrees of categorical denial.

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How to Cite:

Abdullayeva, D. . (2023). STUDYING RHETORICAL SENTENCE IN TERMS OF ITS SEMANTIC STRUCTURE AND CATEGORIES. Bulletin of Pedagogs of New Uzbekistan, 1(4), 116–119. Retrieved from


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