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To see and appreciate the relationship between metaphor and linguaculture , we have to deal with a number of basic issues. By metaphor in this paper, I will primarily mean “conceptual metaphor” that can have a number of linguistic manifestations (see Lakoff and Johnson 1980; Kövecses 2002/2010). A conceptual metaphor consists of a set of correspondences, or mappings, between a “source” and a “target” domain. The meaning of particular metaphorical linguistic expressions is based on such correspondences

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Как цитировать:

Karjawbaev, O. ., & Toleubayeva, A. (2024). LINGUACULTURAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF METAPHORS. Бюллетень студентов нового Узбекистана, 2(3), 8–11. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки:

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